BizFed is proud to unite 240 diverse business organizations representing 420,000 employers with 5 million employees across Southern California

BizFed is a network of business networks

BizFed is a massive grassroots alliance that unites chambers of commerce, trade associations, minority business groups, economic development organizations, business improvement districts, and other business networks to advocate for policies and projects that strengthen the regional economy. 

Leveraging power in numbers, BizFed explores all sides of critical issues and mobilizes its members to take timely action with the goal of spurring business growth, job creation, and economic vitality. BizFed’s Board of Directors advocates and educates on issues that are thoroughly vetted by diverse members.

BizFed maximizes member influence

Joining BizFed empowers associations and companies to become civically active as part of a broad-based coalition of business advocates. BizFed membership benefits include advocacy resources and direct access to policymakers. Join BizFed today to ensure your unique policy concerns are heard and addressed.

Interested in joining us? Sign up below to learn more.

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BizFed advances policies & projects that strengthen the economy

BizFed’s advocacy team is active at the city, county, regional, state, and federal levels. By equipping members to take swift action on critical issues impacting their operations and employees in California, BizFed has helped advance vital initiatives across the following policy areas: 

Arts, Entertainment, Sports, & Olympics
California Air Resources Board/South Coast Air Quality Management District
Energy & Environment
Goods Movement, Transportation, & Mobility
Health Care & Life Sciences
Housing, Land Use, Development, Real Estate, & CEQA
Polling & Messaging
Responsible Governance
Small Business & Employment
Workforce Development, Education, & Anti-Poverty

BizFed Alerts

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: New funding & focus to curtail smash-and-grabs

We want to stop seeing images like these on the news. The business community’s calls for additional resources to fight retail crime have been heard.

Action Alert

INFO ALERT: New funding & focus to curtail smash-and-grabs

We want to stop seeing images like these on the news. The business community’s calls for additional resources to fight retail crime have been heard. We’re

Info Alert

INFO ALERT: BizFed condemns Hamas terrorism

News & Press Releases

BizFed Condemns Hamas Terrorism

The diverse companies and organizations we represent are global citizens committed to the success of democracy. In that spirit, BizFed is proud to take bold

Smart solution: Stop ‘SMART’ Prices Act Before it Kills Medical Innovation & Jobs

Business leaders and life science advocates urged lawmakers to oppose federal drug pricing legislation that would stymie life-saving research, slash billions from California’s economy and

Thought Leaders to Host Housing Forum with Mayor Bass

The three-panel forum on June 9, 2023 will examine strategies to expand affordable, workforce and market-rate housing in all communities of Los Angeles. Moderators and

BizFed events boost civic access & engagement

BizFed hosts small-group Leadership Roundtable events where members can speak candidly with decision makers and influencers, as well as regular advocacy trips to Sacramento, an annual Political Forecast, and Southern California’s largest reception honoring freshman policymakers representing Los Angeles County residents at all levels of government. BizFed also leans into opportunities to promote member events including mixers, receptions, fundraisers, and other bridge-building functions. This is by no means an exhaustive list of upcoming BizFed events!

Sentibel Peak resources
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Everyone has a seat at the BizFed table

BizFed is a member-driven organization. The ever-growing BizFed family is comprised of business association members and investing businesses representing all sectors and local communities.